Page 317 - ZSi-Foster Product Catalog
P. 317

Keyword Index

            Hinged Channel Hanger ......................... 229  Reel Supports ........................... 144 - 145
            Hinged Fluorescent Fixture Hanger ................ 228  Rigid Conduit One Piece Pipe Clamp  .............. 171
            Hinged Fluorescent Fixture Hanger ................ 229  Rigid Strut Clamp  ............................. 169  Introduction
            Introduction ............................... 2 -- 28  Rod Suspension Beam Clamps .............. 154 - 156
            J-Hanger .................................... 179   Rod Suspension Pipe Clamps .................... 173
            Junction Boxes .......................... 236 - 237  Saddle-Up ................................... 223
            Keyword Index ........................... 316 - 317  Safe Thru-Bolting and Trapeze Information .......... 308  Channel
            Klosure Insulation Coupling ................. 196 - 199  Screws & Threaded Rod  .........................82
            Knee Type Pipe Block .......................... 173  Seismic Rod Stiffener  ...........................78
            Load Data, Channel - 12 gauge 41, 46, 49, 53, 56, 61, 63, 66  Shelf Brackets ........................... 139 - 143
            Load Data, Channel - 14 gauge ........... 42, 47, 50, 57  Side Opening Hangers .......................... 178  Channel Nuts &   Hardware
            Load Data, Channel - 16 Gauge  ................ 43, 58  Single Channel Fixture Hanger  ................... 228
            Load Data, Channel - 19 Gauge  ................ 69, 71  Slotted Angle ..................................72
            Loop Hangers  ................................ 174  Snap-A-Clip™ ................................ 222
            Material Specifications - Special Metals ............ 302  Snap-A-Cover™  .............................. 220
            Materials & Finish Specifications ............... 26 - 27  Snap-A-Saddle Pro Multi™ ................. 215 - 219  General   Fittings
            Mini Channel Nuts ..............................78  Snap-A-Saddle Pro™  ..................... 213 - 214
            Misc. Channel Nuts .............................81  Snap-A-Saddle  .............................. 224
            Misc. Conversion Tables ................... 313 - 314  SnapShock™ ................................. 221
            Nuts & Washers ................................83   Split Standard Straps ........................... 172  Brackets
            O.D. Strut Clamp .............................. 170  Spot Concrete Insert ........................... 276
            Omega Series™ .......................... 202 - 203  Spring Steel ............................. 241 - 273
            Outlet Box Connection Fitting .................... 232  Stainless Steel Channel Nuts ......................77
            Parallel Clamp ................................ 161  Standard Adjustable Clevis Hangers ............... 178  Beam   Clamps
            Parallel Pipe Clamps ........................... 177  Standard Raceway Stud Plate .................... 232
            Part Number Index ........................ 318 - 323  Standard Strut Beta Clamps .................225 -226
            Pictorial Table of Contents .................... 4 -- 24  Structural Attachment ..................... 252 - 263
            Pierced Channel  ...............................33  Strut Clamps ............................ 168 - 171   Pipe & Conduit   Supports
            Pipe Brackets  ................................ 180  Strut Serpent ................................. 168
            Pipe Coupling Fitting ........................... 173  Strut to Beam Clamp C-Type & Z-Type ........ 158 - 159
            Pipe Hangers ............................ 173 - 179  Strut to Beam Clamp with J-Hook ................. 164
            Pipe Insulation Saddles .................... 211 - 224  Strut to Beam Clamp with Two Square U-Bolts ....... 165
            Pipe Riser Clamps ............................. 177  Strut to Beam Spreader Caps .................... 160  Electrical   Fittings
            Pipe Rollers ............................. 181 - 182  Stud Channel Nuts .......................... 79 - 80
            Pipe Strap ................................... 172  Stud Wall Applications ..................... 264 - 269
            Pipe, Tube and Conduit Supports ............ 167 - 226  Swivel Fittings .................................84  Spring   Steel
            Porce-a-Clamp  ............................... 240  Technical Data ........................... 301 - 319
            Post Bases .............................. 127 - 130  The Metal Framing System  .......................28
            Pre-Cut Channel  ................ 44, 51, 54, 59, 64, 67  TITAN  Insulation Riser Clamp Series .............. 192
            Premier Cushion Clamp .................... 190 - 191   Trolley  ................................. 131 - 132  Concrete   Inserts
            Purlin Beam Clamps  ........................... 166  Tubing Clamps ........................... 172 - 173
            Quick-Clip ................................... 207  U-Bolt Beam Clamps ...................... 162 - 163
            Raceway Conduit Connector ..................... 231  Universal Beam Clamps .................... 156 - 157
            Raceway Conduit Swivel Connector ............... 231  Universal Strut Clamp .......................... 171  Rooftop   Supports
            Raceway Grounding Kit ......................... 231  Utility Brackets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 - 150
            Raceway Splice Assemblies  ................ 232 - 234  Window Type Beam Clamps ..................... 161
            Raceway Splice Fitting  ......................... 233  Wing Fittings ............................ 122 - 126
            Receptacle Boxes ............................. 235                                                        Technical   Data

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