Page 257 - Demo
P. 257

                                    ZSi-Foster Engineering Catalog – 257 –Technical Data Gamma Pads Rooftop Supports Concrete Inserts Beta Clamps & Z-Clamps Loop & Ring Clamps Spring Steel Electrical Fittings Pipe & Conduit Supports General Fittings Channel Nuts & Hardware Channel Introduction(4) Add Top CushionInstallation of Z-ClampsZ-Clamps are installed in much the same manner as Beta Clamps. The weld studs are welded onto exiting structure and the clamp assembled onto them.(1) Weld Studs toSupporting Steel(2) Place the lower Z-ClampFrame Onto the Studs(3) Attach the Stacking Bolts to the Frame and then Insert the Desired Adapters(4) Bolt Top Frame Ontothe Bottom to Secure AssemblyInstallation of Beta AdapterBeta Adapters are installed in much the same manner as Beta Clamps. The weld plate is welded onto existing structure and the Beta cushion and adapter is assembled onto it.(2) Push Bottom Halfof Clamp Onto Plate (3) Insert the DesiredAdapterFEMALE JUNCTION O-RING FACE SEALADAPTER37° FLARE MALEJUNCTION ADAPTER Z-Clamp & Beta Adapter Optional AdaptersRUBBER SPLIT BUSHINGSZ-Clamp & Beta Adapter Installation(5) Add Top Plateand Bolt into Position(1) Weld Plate toSupporting Steel
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